I am very new to honeybee and i noticed the geometry i created have diagonal lines on its surface when i connected it to HB Room from Solid then to HB Visualised by Type. I have attached a screenshot of the geometry below. Is there some way to remove these diagonal lines? Thank you
That’s a result of the meshing that occurs when converting from a brep to a HB object. Honestly I’m not sure exactly how the meshing algorithm works, but typically for standard size rooms I don’t have that issue. Looking at the size of that block compared to the geometry to the bottom left it looks massive, and the size dimension may be causing HB to split the face.
Another reason may be that your geometry is not completely planar - but looking at your model I assume it is.
An example from my side on LBT 1.5, here’s a simple model I created from extrusions, total 23m long and 10m deep, which doesn’t have the same split face effect.
I think this most likely just a display issue of Rhino meshes and not an indication that the actual Honeybee Faces have been split.
@dominic0006 , try going to Display > Preview Mesh Edges in the Grasshopper menu. If clicking that makes the triangles go away, then your Honeybee Faces have not actually been split.