I am having trouble with the results of a Direct Sunlight Hours analysis.
I am trying to test sunlight hours between 9 am and 3pm to ensure an area receives 3 hours sun during this period. 3 hours according to my legend is red. When the results are analysed i have noticed that points receiving less than 3 hours sun are still showing red?
I am wondering if there is a way to recolor the mesh or to set parameters so that any test points less than a number on the legend show correctly
There could be many possibilities without seeing the script setting.
Just make my best guess:
If everything was set in the correct ‘common’ way - assuming nothing is scripted too wrong from what you expected, it’s because the 2.78333 is still very close to 3. That’s why it’s still very ‘red’.
Though the legend displayed here is clearly divided into 7 colors, the actual colors painted on the mesh faces are not just 7 colors, it’s a continuous gradient from yellow to orange to deep orange to red to purplish red to purple to blue. When the numbers are close to 3, then the color will look close to red.
– in this case, it depends on the color setting in your script and the coloring mesh component/script you build.