DIVA transition to Honeybee

@sherifusa1988 There are many videos about ladybug solar radiation on Youtube. You can check it.

as I said before

What I want to achieve is a daylight analysis on the exterior of the building according to a grid reliant on the exterior glass of the form shown in the attached picture, most of the examples and tutorials are for daylight analysis focused on analysis for indoor spaces

@sherifusa1988 Could you share your grasshopper file?

sure, here you go


sorry tried to attach here, but it said new users can’t upload files

thx a lot

Sorry to say @sherifusa1988 but … you didn’t even tried to solve the issue here.
Your file is a DIVA solved one. You are not expecting for anyone here to make this work for you, right?
I recommend you to check the tutorials and files @minggangyin posted above and then, if you have issues or questions let the forum know.

well obviously Abraham you didn’t read the whole post, I never asked anyone to do the work for me or even edit this file, I just posted it because someone asked me to, all I asked for if someone knew a tutorial about this specific topic, or just explain it to me, transitioning from DIVA to ladybug and honeybee

This is the file I am working on
File02.gh (693.4 KB)
as you can see I used ladybug radiation analysis, but it’s irrelevant to me, because in DIVA I used to input the breps or geometry with the material properties for each, but after watching tutorials I found out that materials could only be used in honeybee for energy simulation and indoor scenes or at least these are all the tutorials I found

so if you would be kind to either explain if what I understood is true or correct me if I am wrong. Is it possible to perform a solar radiation analysis with materials assigned to geometry under study, and setting a grid according to a certain selected geometry like in DIVA? or is this not how ladybug and honeybee work?


Clearer now.
In your file you are trying to use the LB radiation analysis, where you can’t define materials.
In HB you need to define 2 sets of materials, one for daylight analysis (radiance) and one for energy analysis (E+/OS), if you want to do both of them.
Attached a simple example where you can go over the whole process. Pay attention to the material definition components.
Hope this helps.
HB_GridBaseAnalysis_CubeExample.gh (533.6 KB)


thx a lot for the response and this amazing file, I am studying it now, and will get back to you if anything is unclear

I am just getting this error and don’t know what the problem is exactly, can you help me with it? thx

I assume that the error is not happening with the original file i uploaded since it was working. You are having a null input, probably on the _HBObjects input, but without the file you are working on is hard to say. The other inputs are pretty straight forward so i don’t think the problem is there.
In any case you need to clean the data to avoid those null items.

I’ve been trying a lot, I removed ladybug and honeybee and re-added them, tried to check all the inputs and that the process has no errors, but I still can’t fix the error, that’s the error I get from the “read me”, does anybody know what the problem is?


Upload your working file with geometry internalized …

@sherifusa1988, I strongly recommend to read this post and follow the suggestions in the post: https://discourse.ladybug.tools/faq

That will help everyone else to help you with your questions.

Ok thx Mostapha, I followed your instructions and was able to create the algorithm, I just one final small problem, I am trying to visualize the radiation analysis using the “Recolor Mesh” but I get the following error.

and here is the file simplified to the part where the problem exists
honeybee_radiation analysis.gh (920.2 KB)
I made the “generate test points” grid dependant on the glass brep because that is where the radiation will matter more as to the other insulated parts of the building

thank you

This issue has been asked so many times that a simple search in the forum will give you the solution.

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I did check a lot of forum entries about the issue, but the cases were different from mine, anyways, thank you, I’ll check the solution u linked

Well. The solution is in the forum. Tested your case and it works now.
See white groups for the changes made.
honeybee_radiation analysis_AY.gh (810.5 KB)


Thx a lot for all ur efforts and for bearing with me, I downloaded your file and since u connected the “mesh” output of the “Generate test points” component to the “testMesh” input of the “Grid Based Simulation Component”, I am getting the following error: “Solution exception: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source”. I know that it’s working perfectly fine for you, do you have any idea what would be wrong with my system when I open the file? I just made sure I have the latest version of LB & HB and everything is working fine supposedly

thank you

Strange …
Try to disconnect this input to see what happens. I see that is not a compulsory input so maybe it can work without it.
Also open the HB_annualDaylight (double click on the red one), the python window will appear. Push the test button in there and see the box at the bottom of it. It will show the error and line number where it is happening. Paste the whole thing here.
I wonder what is happening since i recall this is the same error you get previously.

It worked when I disconnected the input :smiley:

as for the error in the python window

and these are the error lines:

# export mesh
hb_writeRADAUX.exportTestMesh(subWorkingDir, radFileName)

Since it is working i’ll let this as it is.

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