DragonFly Components missing?

Hello !
Thank you for your work, that’s really nice :smiley:

I’m trying to use this new bug (DragonFly) and I noticed something. For the installation, we have to run a file and components are automatically added. But it appears that I don’t have some components like :

  • DragonFly_BldgProgram
  • DragonFly_BldgAge

Is this on purpose or did I do something wrong during the installation ?
Shall I get them by searching in GitHub ?


In Grasshopper,

Please go to File>Special Folders>User Object Folder>Dragonfly

See if the userobjects for the missing components are there. If not, please manually copy. If they’re there, simply restart Rhino & GH.

So the components are not in my UserObject library.


I cannot find them in the github repository … I’ve downloaded it from here

Download this

I’m afraid the components are not available in your link. I have 17 components already installed and you propose me 17 to install.
The components I’m talking about are “Value Lists” so maybe they don’t export/import the same way as Python components …

I am not sure if they are part of the latest Dragonfly offering.

The inputs you are looking for can be found in DF Building Typology Component. You don’t need the value lists anymore.

Ok, because I’ve find them in this hydra example

So we don’t need those components anymore, thank you !

@EmmanuelR and @devang ,

This is my bad. I had meant to include those components in the plugin and it seems that they had gotten deleted at one point (I think it happened as I was updating all of the components to be of the same version). I just added them back:

Now, if you run the DF Update component and restart grasshopper, you will have these drop downs.

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indeed it worked, thank you chris !