DSF adjacencies with AIRWALL

Hi @chris !

I have a question regarding your DSF example on Hydra. I tried to understand how you set up your EP construction between the double skin zone and the building zone.

When I look at this surface (in green) :

I see that you have set it as an interior wall (gypsum + air + gypsum) when creating this surface for the building zone, and you have set it as an exterior wall from ASHRAE (metal + insulation + gypsum with the metal towards the inside of the building…) when creating this surface for the DFS plenum zone.

Then when you solve the adjacencies, all of this becomes irrelevant because the altConstruction is AIR WALL. And when I check the EP construction of the whole thing with LabelSurfaces, I can see that indeed, there is an air wall between the building and the DSF.

So how is that a double skin façade if there is an air wall between the two ? What am I missing here ?
I still don’t get how can we set an asymetrical construction that acts like an external wall between the DSF zone and the building zone.

There was this topic about DSF also asking what was the deal about this AIR WALL but it was not explained back then … Modelling of Double Skin Facades in HB

Anyway thanks ! I hope you or someone else who masters the art of DSF modelling will have some time to answer this :wink: