Electrical lighting error, IES files

Hello everyone,
When I try to get a daylight simulation with addition of an RAD file which are additional luminaires, honeybee does not take those luminaires into calculation. There is not any error however, I only get the results of a sun, not additional luminaires.

I can not find the reason to that, any help will help me a lot!!
Thank you in advance,

CPX Photometry (1).zip (1.1 MB)

You can check the setting of sky definition. Make sure the sky is dark sky with 0 lux.

Otherwise is it work as a turned off luminaire?
I want to conduct a integrated study of daylight and artificial lighting focusing on lighting energy.
Then, is the solution adding schedules? But couldn’t figure out to where?

At sunny with sun sky, the global lux is so big than 10000lux, you should decrease the max value of legend and check the electric lighting turned on or off.

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Okay I will, thank you for your guidance.

When I change the sky type it worked. Thank you again for your answer.