I’m working on simulating a 2-story house in Rhino, and I’ve encountered an issue with the unit set as meter. The amounts in my simulation as a energy load balance appear to be excessively large which you can see in the attachment, leading me to suspect there might be a problem with my code.
I’ve carefully set up the project in Rhi
no, but the results are not as expected. If anyone has experience with this issue, could you please help me in this regard?
Judging by the graph, it looks like you have a lot of infiltration heat loss which seems to be the most likely culprit? I would try setting your infiltration rate to a more typical value and see if that helps?
You can use the Honeybee-Energy “Apply Absolute Load Values” Component, or the “Apply Load Values” to set those infiltration loads for your rooms, depending on what type of input you would like to use (ACH or M3/s-m2-envelope)