Energy Plus Error

I’m having the exact same problem. As far as my (limited) understanding goes, this is caused by Honeybee writing EnergyPlus files in v9.0 whereas the EnergyPlus engine you would have is v9.3. Energyplus is not able to process this older file. This seems like a bug in the software.

Whether the above analysis is true or not, I have found a workaround. Basically it involves manually using EP v9.0 to run the simulation, outside grasshopper, and then getting Grasshopper to read that result.

  1. Uninstall energyplus v 9.3, Install energy plus v9.0.
  2. Disconnect the boolean toggle from “run EnergyPlus” in your screenshot.
  3. Go the location where the idf file is written.
  4. Open the idf file using EnergyPlus v9.0. Click Simulate.
    5.In your grasshopper script use a panel to input the file name to the readEP component. For me this reads “c:\ladybug\unnamed\EnergyPlus\unnamed.csv”

Ive just started using the software, but hope it helps. Let me know if you find a better solution