Energy simulation error: The timestep of the inputData is not recognized. Data must have a Ladybug header with a recognizable timestep

Hello all, I am try to run a integrated daylight and energy simulation with my model. There is an error happened when I want to visilize my monthly bar chart for the result files after the simulation. It said:“The timestep of the inputData is not recognized. Data must have a Ladybug header with a recognizable timestep.” I check the relevant topic and did not find any answer to it.Could anyone help me to check it?
Thank you so much~
Here is the capture and definition. (934.5 KB)

Please do something like so


Deat Devang,
Thank you for your help and I can see the graphs now. But there is a new problem is that I can just see the black graphs with no colours. How can I get a colour graph?