where does Honeybee legacy save the custom defined Energyplus materials and constructions. I would have expected them in my defined folder under “C:ladybug/userCustomEPLibrary.idf”, but after adding them to the library via the “Honeybee_Add to Energyplus Library” the file is still empty. I´ve searched the Energyplus folder aswell and couldnt´t find any csv, txt, etc. files that could help me to quickly transfer library’s between computers. Do you guys have any ideas, informations regarding the energyplus user defined materials and constructions?
Legacy doesn’t write the definitions in a file. It stores them in the local memory to be used in the Rhino+GH session. Once you close the session the memory is released and the definitions are not available anymore, until next time you open the file with the definitions.
If you want them permanently you need to copy+paste from an existing IDF file to the file you mentioned above. This is what i used to do.
Yea, we have written now our own script to “save” them in a seperate csv for materials and constructions to then load them back into Rhino-GH. Do the newer versions store them locally on the computer?
Hi @AbrahamYezioro and @chris and LBT community,
In this sense, where are the custom libraries located? In LBT 1.1.1 I could locate them in my drive in:
"C:\Users\USERNAME\ladybug_tools\resources\standards" but updating to LBT 1.6.0 I found it deprecated. I’ve just created new construction sets and I do not know where to locate it.
We moved the location of the personal standards to a new folder so that they don’t get erased every time someone uninstalls and reinstalls. The new location is: