ENVI-met INX creation / Lowest gridcell splitting

Hi @AntonelloDiNunzio and all members,

I’ve been using your great “Grasshopper to ENVI-met” plugin to generate ENVI-met INX files from Rhino.

I have a question. It seems to me that the DFEnvimetGrid component does not include the “split lowest Z gridcell into 5 subcells” option that one can activate in SPACES. The only option available is the GH component is the telescoping one.

If I try to edit the grid in SPACES after generating the INX in GH, I have to convert to Concept Design and I loose some facade parameters.

Is there a solution to use the splitting option?

Thanks in advance,



There is the option to split the first cell. Please, check if you have the latest version.

The name of the input you need is “combineGridType_”. You should set it to “True” and you connect also “telescope” and “startTelescopeHeight_”



all right, I missed that input. Thank you @AntonelloDiNunzio !
