Ep material for optimization

I am using Ep construction material for optimization. But each time that I change the material (Insulation thickness) and manually run the simulation, it doesn’t change in the result. Does anyone have experienced the issue?
I am using Openstudio, but just wanted to check before starting to use RAD material, is there any solution for Ep material and Openstudio?

Hi niloofarzaker,

How much difference is the change in thickness of insulation making to the whole construction U-value?

Relatively small changes in u-value won’t significantly impact results.

Worth checking that your final model actually has the material applied and it hasn’t got lost at an earlier step.

Also what result are you looking at? Depending on your set up something like air temperature may be constant, whereas your heating and cooling energy are where you’re more likely to see differences in results.

Level of internal gains also play a factor, if fabric losses/gains are a small part of your total energy balance they’ll be harder to spot.

RAD material is for radiance (daylight/radiation) simulations so you don’t need to go down that route. Running it in energy plus the way you’re doing is the correct method.

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