I just installed Ladybug 1.4 and EPW Map in Ladybug is not opening any website. Can someone please help me ?
Thanks in advance
Hi @Merna, you should be more specific about the problem. Can you open it directly in the browser?
It works fine on my end.
Thank you so much. I uninstalled it and install the pollination and it worked fine.
I’m having a problem with the LB EPWmap component on MAC…It won’t open the website…
I can open the website manually in a browser, but not using the component.
Any thoughts?
hi @Anderssmith
That is true, this component does not work on MacOS, since it is using the ‘older’ IronPython components.
The actual command in the GH-Component:
url = 'http://www.ladybug.tools/epwmap/'
def mac_open(url):
os.system("open \"\" " + url)
works just fine on MacOS when run outside Rhino, or when run in a ‘new’ Python3 component. But when used in the IronPython component, it does not work.
So, on MacOS, I think your best bet is to just navigate to the website manually.