EPW / Weather data adjustment

Hey @AminHosseini ,

I should add some new sample code into the SDK Docs. This is how you should do this type of operation now:

from ladybug.epw import EPW

# Change the original file to a valid path. Here is an example
# original_file = r'C:\EnergyPlusV8-6-0\WeatherData\USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.epw'
original_file = r'PATH_TO_YOUR_WEATHER_FILE'

epw_file = EPW(original_file)

zero_values = 8760 * [0]
# set radiation values to 0
epw_file.direct_normal_radiation.values = zero_values
epw_file.diffuse_horizontal_radiation.values = zero_values
epw_file.global_horizontal_radiation.values = zero_values

# save first modified file
epw_file.save(r'c:\ladybug', '{}_zero_radiation.epw'.format(epw_file.location.city))

# now update temperature values
epw_file.dew_point_temperature.values = zero_values
epw_file.dry_bulb_temperature.values = zero_values

# save second modified file
epw_file.save(r'c:\ladybug', '{}_zero_temp_radiation.epw'.format(epw_file.location.city))