Hi there,
I’ve been diving quite a bit into weather data these past days.
I came out to coding some components to fetch DOE and OneBuilding files directly from within grasshopper.
for DOE, the files and links are classified in EnergyPlus/master.geojson at develop · NREL/EnergyPlus · GitHub
for OneBuidling there are a bunch of
files that can be parsed to extract the links to the data files.
You can try it by installing the grasshopper plugin attached to this post) and the corresponding example GH definition.
Maybe I can contribute to update the ladybug epwmap from @mostapha ? What would be the correct way to do this ? Through PM ? Through PR from the GitHub Repo of this project ?
The project for my components is accessible here. And is subject to breaking changes soon
Weather Data API examples.gh (14.0 KB)
ZymeToolbox.Grasshopper.gha (653.5 KB)