Error image based component

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to generate a radiance image using honeybee components (new version).

After several attempts on my definition and example definition (, I obtained always the same error.

After few seconds Radiance stops to work, in attached you can find the error.

Any suggestions?



The error message doesn’t show any issues. Can you upload the file?


in attached you can find the gh file and error txt file.

Thank you so much for your availability.


Andrea (483 KB)
error.log (449 Bytes)

Hi Mostapha,

I tried several times, radiance works but the component is not able to read the result (failed to read the results). In the green area.

In the same I’m trying to simulate dynamic venetian blinds (connecting the DS parameter), but I obtained strange results in annual glare simulation (highlight in the red area).

How can I effective simulate this type of shading using honeybee? And how can I obtain glare and annual illuminance results with dynamic shading (if I put false in Onlyrunglareanalysis doesn’t work).

In attached you can find rhino and gh file.



Andrea (1.5 MB)
Simulationfile_1.3dm (688 KB)