Error in reporting of HOYs when using HB Annual Peak Values

I came across a problem when HB Annual Peak Values is supposed to report the resulting HOYs.

The analysis itself is made for the entire year with HB Annual Irradiance. The HB Wea From EPW is set with hoys for the entire year:

The result is analyzed for peak values with HB Annual Peak Values to find the days for a set of rooms with the highest radiation:

However, if I plug a subset of HOYs finto HB Annual Peak Values in order to only find the peaks of a that subset, the hoys output from HB Annual Peak Values seems to report the incorrect HOYs (they should all be from 25 May):

edit: the calculated values of the subset are correct! Only hoys are incorrect.

I have also had a similar problem to this - I am trying to look for the peak values in September (which is what the wea has been filtered to). However - the hoy value given by the Peak Values component gives a hoy that isn’t even in my wea subset.

Hi @Will and @CanRunReallyFast ,

Thanks for reporting the issue. This was, indeed a bug. I just pushed fixes for both the code that parses the numpy matrices of annual-daylight:

… and the code that parses the text files of annual irradiance:

The fixes should be available with the LB Versioner component by tomorrow at the latest.