I appreciate if you can help and clarify the below queries:
How can I solve the error (figure shown above) in Therm?
The external temperature set is 40oC and Internal 23oC. However, the simulation does not reflect these temperature for internal and external surfaces (see below figure). Can you please clarify?
I think the warning message is pretty clear. Your input polygons don’t make a single continuous shape and this is not valid in THERM.
The reason why you don’t get temperatures that are perfectly equal to 40C and 23C is that air films on either side of the construction give you a little bit of thermal resistance. This causes the indoor surface temperature of your construction to be a little warmer than the room air temperature, which is assumed to be at 23C in your model. Similarly, the outdoor surface temperature is a little cooler than the outdoor air temperature at 40C. This is why you can see thermal bridges using infrared cameras like this:
That happens to be a house in winter but it’s effectively the same phenomena we are talking about here where the resistance of the outdoor air causes the exterior surface temperature to be different than the outdoor air temperature. And the relative fraction of the whole construction’s resistance which the air films account for is different depending on whether we’re evaluating a highly conductive steel stud or the more insulated space between studs. Hence, why the studs of the house look warmer than the rest of the house.