Error install ladybug tools

i want install ladybug tool with polination or with installtion file in food4 rhino but i have an error
the vpn is connect

@Qodsiye Try using the pollination grasshopper stand alone installer and see if that doesn’t fix things up.

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Thanks for your replying
I install polination but it doesnt work corectly then i unistall it and try gh file but it will error now i dont know what should i do

@mostapha please help me.
can i install ofline?

Hi @Qodsiye,

You have to be more specific about the issues for us to be able to help. What doesn’t exactly work? The Pollination installer installs everything offline.

I instal honeybee 1.8 and rhino 8 with polination in 3 diferent way online ofline and with vpn
But it doesnt work true…

It work truly before but now or maybe after install honeybee plus it doesnt work