I’m getting the following error in the runDaylightAnalysis component, when I connect the skyFilePath from the genCumSky component (image and GH file is attached):
"Failed to read the results!
rtrace: skybright`C__Users_vasanthakumars_AppData_Roaming_Ladybug_skylib_cumulativeSkies_Toron_Toron_1: undefined variable
line 336, in script"
The runDaylightAnalysis works when I use the skyFilePath from genClimateBasedSky.
Also, FWIW I looked around and noticed that it didn’t seem like I had the GenCumalitiveSky.exe, and so I manually downloaded it and inserted into my current working directory and the Radiance folder. But this obviously didn’t resolve the problem.
Anyone knows what’s wrong?
hb_radiation_internal_error.gh (509 KB)