Error with Duplicate name found for object type Zone Ventilation

Hello, I get this duplicate name found error even though the model is valid and there are no repeated room names. Is there a way to automatically rename these objects? Thanks

Hi @chris @mostapha any insights on this?

Hey @ffotsing ,

Can you share a model or a Grasshopper file that we can use to recreate the issue.

Given how I think I implemented it, it should be impossible to get this error with a valid Honeybee model. But it’s always possible that there’s a bug somewhere.

I’m just making a note that you shared a model with me on another thread, @ffotsing , which helped me recreate the issue.

It was a bug that resulted from the fact that most of the Apertures in your model are set up for natural ventilation and they also have more than 4 vertices. So, when they go off to EnergyPlus, we have to triangulate these windows with more than 4 vertices in order for EnergyPlus to accept them. And there was a bug that was writing a duplicate natural ventilation specification for each of the triangulated pieces, which I just fixed here:

Hi @chris

This is probably a really stupid question but how can I add the bug fix into my local version of Honeybee? I’m getting the same error on a model with windows with more than 4 vertices.

Struggling to find any documentation or instructions on how to add bug fixes from GitHub.
