I think it’s likely I’m doing something silly here, but haven’t been able to find the solution yet.
I’m trying to export to OpenStudio with the Honeybee version 0.0.64 a relatively simply HVAC System 7, with the only change that I’m assigning an Air Cooled Chiller via the Cooling Details node. This throws the following error in the OpenStudio node: ‘1. Solution exception:createDefaultAEDGAirChiller() takes exactly 3 arguments (4 given)’
The watersource and water cooled options are both working without insistent. Any help on this appreciated!
air cooled testing.gh (718.3 KB)
@patpease…I just posted on this same issue a few moments ago (probably should have checked to see if anyone had the same issue first…oh well!)…i’ll let you know if I find a solution and vice-versa if you do…thanks.
@patpease @josh.greenfield
This might be a bug, try to search “def createDefaultAEDGAirChiller” in “exportToOpenStudio”, and add “HVACCount” as a parameter. But not sure if this’ gonna work 100%, @chris might be able to help here.
I attached an example of VAV system with air cooled chiller if you want to model this system the other way around:
20191220_AirCooledChiller.gh (116.8 KB)