Do you know how we could have a gbXML output from Rhino/HB?
Thank you in advance
Do you know how we could have a gbXML output from Rhino/HB?
Thank you in advance
I didn’t notice about that option in the serialize
Many many thanks Erik
I tried to integrate the gbXML translator to my model, and I received the following error.
Do you know what the error is about?
Hi @behnammmohseni,
I do not know. Did you use the one click installer from pollination to install everything?
I tried to install Pollination Plug-in, but I don’t know when I do so, the ladybug/honeybee/DragonFly will all be disappeared.
Do you know what the problem is?
Did you try this one?
Thank you Erik
I am very new to Pollination
I have found a YT video in your attached link
It seems informative and I need to watch
just use the installer. You do not need to use Pollination. It only installs in a very easy way all the plug-ins and all the dependencies.
many thanks Erik