exportToOpenStudio self defined materials issue


Following this discussion, i started to update my files for using the HB_exportToOpenStudio instead of the HB_runEnergySimulation.

In the process i’m having this issue:

Runtime error (ValueErrorException): invalid literal for float():
line 2529, in createOSStanadardOpaqueMaterial, “<string>”
line 2709, in getOSMaterial, “<string>”
line 2750, in getOSConstruction, “<string>”
line 2824, in opsZoneSurface, “<string>”
line 3589, in main, “<string>”
line 3689, in script

Which i believe is related to my own defined constructions.

What can be done?




Thank you very much for starting the move to OpenStudio and for reporting. Can you upload the GH file with the issue? It seems like I am passing a text string in a place that I should be passing a number.


I can report that the Standard Opaque Material is working correctly for me so it must be something specific to the material that you are using.

Hi Chris,

Attached the file in question and the custom library.

See point 3, where i assign the constructions.



07_E+_Simulation_Surface_by_surface_Internalised+Blinds+Loads.gh (766 KB)
userCustomEPLibrary.idf (25.8 KB)


Additionally, i disconnected my custom materials (just to check if it runs). Now i get an error saying the schedule i use for the window’s blinds is not in the HB schedule library. Also some fields in the people section are missing (i’m using defaults according to chosen activity).

Probably i’m doing something wrong here, but maybe … i’m not :slight_smile: since the HB_runEnergySimulation runs fine in the same file.




Thanks for all of the information. Two of the issues were bugs, which have now been fixed, and one of the issues was the result of an error on your part (I think).

One bug resulted from me not realizing that emissivity is an optional input for E+ opaque materials. Another bug was because I did not include the whole csv file name in the schedule assigned by the shade generator. I have been using Antonello’s new ‘Annual Schedule’ component, which makes schedule creation very easy and allows us to write schedules into the .OSM (not just the .IDF) using the day-week-year IDF format. As a result, I failed to notice this bug on the CSV component until you pointed it out.

Both bugs are fixed in the attached gh file and on the github.

Finally, the issue with the ‘activity schedule’ is that you connected a CSV schedule that is ‘Fractional’ to an input that requires you to specify the unit as ‘ActivityLevel’ (and, accordingly, schedule values in Watts). You can either change the units on the CSV component to be ‘ActivityLevel’ or (what I think you meant to do) connect your schedule to ‘occupancySchedules_’ instead of ‘occupancyActivitySchs_’.

Thanks again!


07_E_Simulation_Surface_by_surface_InternalisedBlindsLoads_CWM.gh (771 KB)

Hi Chris Thanks for taking care and sorry for the late response. I’m on the roads …

I updated my file and now both options are working. I’ll start fading the runEnergySimulation and implementing the exportToOpenStudio in my files and future works. Then i’ll let you know if i find more issues.

As for my schedule, you are right. It is supposed to be conected to the Occupancy and not the Activity (bad eyes :slight_smile: ).

Thanks again,


Awesome. Glad everything worked out!