Failed to import Ladybug_Rhino


A lot of my Ladybug components suddenly stopped working. They were all fine yesterday.

Earlier today, I’d ran the “” removal script to clean up the legacy HB/LB components. I then re-installed HB/LB using the Pollination package at Pollination Cloud App under the impression it is a one-stop installer for all HB/LB components.

However, it appears Ladybug is unable to find ladybug_rhino elements.

I should add that for some reason, there was no “python” folder in my ladybug_tools folder initially. I found the same “python” folder in another directory - C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools - and copied all its subfolders into the ladybug_tools folder. I then added them to Rhino via EditPython.

There are so many legacy HB/LB and HB types that it makes my head spin at times! Would appreciate any help - thanks!

Hey @thegreiski ,

Sorry for the late response but it looks like your attempts to fix the problem likely made things worse. The Pollination single-click installer puts everything into C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools. So the other location in your user folder should not exist after you use the single-click installer. I would just uninstall, remove both IronPython search paths there, and do a fresh install with the single-click installer.