Hi! I’m trying to run a lux simulation with Point-in-time cluster(PIT) in Honeybee. However, such error keeps showing up:
6 failed:
- 6 PointInTimeGridRayTracingLoop(…)
I tried to reinstall Radiance and openstudio for several times but it didn’t help. Has anyone ever run into such situation like me? Any suggestions on how to solve this?
Appreciate a lot!
Here is the information from the Out output of PIT cluster:
- Solution exception:
The recipe failed to run with the following error(s):
Execution Summary
Scheduled 18 tasks of which:
- 7 ran successfully:
- 1 AdjustSky(…)
- 1 CreateOctree(…)
- 1 CreateRadFolder(…)
- 1 GenerateSky(…)
- 1 PrepareFolderPointInTimeGrid(…)
- 6 failed:
- 6 PointInTimeGridRayTracingLoop(…)
- 5 were left pending, among these:
- 1 were missing external dependencies:
- 1 PointInTimeGridRayTracing(…)
- 3 had missing dependencies:
- 1 LetPointInTimeGridFly(…)
- 1 PostProcessPointInTimeGrid(…)
- 1 _Main_266428f6Orchestrator(…)
- 1 was not granted run permission by the scheduler:
- 1 PointInTimeGridRayTracing(…)
- 1 were missing external dependencies:
This progress looks because there were failed tasks
The gh file is attached here:
Lux Simulation for Rooftop PAR.gh (394.9 KB)
And here is the log of the simulation:
logs.log (63.9 KB)