False color 2 error

Dear all,

I used to make luminance HDR false color images with wxfalsecolor. After installing the last LB version, I have been getting this error when creating the false color image:
error: v=y/yres;vleft=v;vright=v;vbelow=(y-1)/yres;vabove=(y+1)/yres; ^ divide by zero con

Does anybody have the same problem? have you fix it? if so, could you please share the solution?


Hi @Julioamodia89 ,

This is not really a ladybug tools question since we don’t use FalseColor2 in the LBT plugin and wxfalsecolor is its own standalone application. It’s possible @mikkel knows what is going on as he’s a general Radiance master but it might be better to post this on the Radiance forum:

The message there kinda seems like a but in wxfalsecolor so you could also try opening an issue on their Github:

And, just to understand, you are opening the raw output of a HB Point-in-Time View-Based recipe in wxfalsecolor, right?

Hi Chris,
Thank you for your response and for keeping alive this forum.
I will translate this issue to the Radiance and GitHub forums.
Regarding your question, that is correct, it is the raw HDR file generated from the point in time image simulation.

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