Is there a way to define the Fan Power Ratio Function of Air Flow Rate Ratio Curve Name for a cooling tower through Ironbug?
This field should be available in the variable speed cooling tower, but for some reason it didn’t auto-populate in its ObjParams. I will need to take a look at it.
I installed but when I reopened my file, the schedule inputs for many other components failed (the parameter components turned rad and when I replaced them, the schedule inputs were missing).
This includes:
Availability schedule for MechVentController, OA System, AirLoop, CoilClnDX2 and other coils
AmbientTemperatureSchedule and ColdWaterSupplySchedule for WaterHeaterMixed
FlowRateFractionSchedule for WaterUseEquipment
I should have done a little bit more tests.
This should work:
Ironbug_v0.0.12(20190628update).zip (260.8 KB)