** Fatal ** Errors occurred on processing input file. Preceding condition(s) cause termination

Hi @SimaKhayami94,

Your shading geometry contains holes. These geometries are not accepted by E+.
You will have to split the shading geometry. (red line)

Hi dear Erik,
I got it thank you for your help :slight_smile:

Geometries with holes are fully-supported in the new LBT 1.3.0 plugin.

The new LBT Honeybee plugin automatically handles the translation of the hole/boundary vertices into a single list of vertices that winds inward to cut out the holes from the shape. So just use the LBT 1.3 plugin for your energy modeling, @SimaKhayami94 , and you won’t experience this issue.

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Dear Chris,
Thank you to the moon and back :slight_smile:

Hi @Chris,

Does this also apply to floorplans?
In other words is it possible input floorplan such as the one shown below?

Yes, it does! The “courtyard building” case was actually the original impetus for us adding the method that merges the holes and boundary into a single list of vertices. It also became important for “punching” the window geometries out of the parent Faces when we send the geometry off to Radiance.

In any event, you should feel free to use any geometry with holes in the LBT plugin. LBT ensures that these geometries get to the simulation engines in a correct format that’s as elegant as possible.

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Hi dear @chris ,
I’ve just installed the new LBT 1.3. but there is some changes in components like we don’t have HB zones. Do you think I can work with this version based on previous versions? I’m worried about not writing energy simulation algorithms correctly.
For example I don’t know how to define the type of this zone’s walls:

Hi @SimaKhayami94 this post may be able to answer some of your question

You have a couple different ways to go about addressing faces: there’s a good bit of automation in identifying types in HB Room From Solid, for construction assignment there is also a few different options. the attached grasshopper file contains what is in the attached photo

setting_zone_walls.gh (39.4 KB)

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Hi dear Trevor,
Thank you sooooooo much. That was really helpful.
Would it be possible for me to ask another question? :wink:
I wanna attribute special window to a wall, and I don’t know what’s the problem here?

Add Subface HB: 0::Create

This link downloads @chris’s Honeybee model creation workflow examples

Dear @TrevorFedyna ,
First of all thank you so much for your kindness. I did this exactly but I faced with this error:

My file is below:
analysis model 1.gh (210.2 KB)

@chris @mostapha @TrevorFedyna Someone here is desperately waiting for your help :((((

Hi @SimaKhayami94
you may define _bc_ : Text for the boundary condition of the face
as “Outdoors”

Hi dear @Martin6,
Thank you for your answer, but I didn’t get what you mean.

Have a look at the bottom of your analysis model 1.gh file at the HB Face component

@SimaKhayami94 , you need to set your HB face bc (boundary condition) to ‘Outdoors’.
Once you set that your HB models gets created fine.

Although I do not know why we have to set this condition now, HB used to identify boundary conditions automatically right? @chris kindly let us know your thoughts

Thank you so much dear martin🌹

Hi dear @maheshjayayachander,
I really appreciate your help. Thank you sooooo much​:rose::rose: