I’ll try to explain my issue/question here as best as I can.
Lately, I have been experimenting quite a lot with the possibility of using geometry generated through Dragonfly to perform solar radiation/daylight studies. The simplified process is: (i) create the geometry in Dragonfly; (ii) convert it into Honeybee; (iii) run the required analysis; (iv) post-process the results.
I have noticed that the fastest way is to convert the entire Dragonfly geometry into Honeybee by choosing “District” in the “Obj. per model” input of the “DF Model to Honeybee” component and run the analysis at the district level. However, the drawback of this is that I cannot check the results for single buildings (or single floors), but only analyze results at the whole district level.
Alternatively, I convert the entire Dragonfly geometry into Honeybee by choosing “Building” in the “Obj. per model” input of the “DF Model to Honeybee” component. So, if my district is made up of, for instance, three buildings, I will get three Honeybee models to deal with. Running the simulation will, however, run three distinct analyses, taking a lot of time if this process has to be scaled up. The same is true if floors are exported, with even more problems when dealing with simulations and results.
The workaround I have found for now, to cut simulation time and have a way to go through the results at the building or floor level, is to export the model I want to simulate as a “District” from the “DF Model to Honeybee” component and, using duplicates of the “DF Model to Honeybee” component, export other models as “Building” or “Floor” as a base to generate test grids. The length of these grids can be used to split the list of “District” results into portions that represent my Buildings or Floors.
So, I was wondering, is there a better way to deal with this problem without having these duplicates or making the workflow more efficient? Maybe there is something in Dragonfly or Honeybee that can already solve the issue @chris ?
I also attach an example file here.
Thank you in advance for your help or any suggestions.
Example_DFtoHB_export_issue.gh (74.6 KB)