Filtering the ASE and sDA for specific months

I’m working on daylight simulation for sDE and ASE for light shelf in an office room.
I have the annual results but I need the results filtered from March to June and November to february for summer and winter simulation.
I’m not able to filter the data. Can anyone please help on this.

What about setting a couple of schedules for the AnnualDaylight calculation?

I have this schedule, but I’m not sure where to connect this and elements do I need to sue to connect it.

This is an AnalysisPeriod, not a schedule.
Check the attached.
Season (60.5 KB)

Thanks for the file. I’m a beginner in operating the grasshopper. I’m doing the analysis as part of my thesis for my master’s degree in BIM. Can you please let me know where do I need to connect this analysis period to? To the annualdaylight or sDE or ASE? And if itsn’t a problem to spare 5 mins, is there a way to connect to you? so that I can share my screen and get this cleared off?

@AbrahamYezioro Can you please check on my model and grasshopper script. I’m not sure where do I connect the analysisperiod to my script.

You need something like this:

Season (78.0 KB)

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You can also try assigning hoys using Analysis Period for EPW to WEA component. In this method, you may need to run analysis seperately for winter and summer.

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Thank you so much. It worked. Saved my dissertation. I hope I get good marks.
I really appreciate the script that you gave. Can I use this for my academic module? I will give credits and reference this.

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I tried this, but for some reason, I didn’t get the results.

Go ahead. No need for credit.
Good luck.

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Thank you! appreciate your effort on this.