Freelance Opportunity

Hello LBT community -

I am working on a deadline and I wonder if anyone would like/can work with me as a consultant for a couple of script troubleshooting and script questions. I find myself spending crazy amount of time going through blogs to find answers. So, an ideal candidate would be someone with more experience in LBT (specially Honeybee) to have as an ally. This person also needs to have energy model experience.

What I am proposing is to get an hour or two of consulting/troubleshooting a week starting this week until April (for now).

Please email me if you are interested and possible costs, times that could work for you (specially if you are not in The US).


Hi @Yure,
I sent you a private message.

1 Like

Hey Massimiliano,

I also need help with something.

Please download the files

Please read the instructions pdf


Hi @Ladybug123abc
It’s a university course! :smile:

Two considerations.
There are already similar courses on thinkparametric, performance network and the like with a fair price and certainly comprehensive. Then poking around on youtube you find many parts with excellent insights, free of charge.
I would not have the time to organize the videos you request in a short time and they would still cost you a lot!

Good Luck