Galapagos/Octopus headache

Hello everyone,

I am seeking your general advice in terms of using Galapagos/Octopus. I do not know whether it is the display issue associated with my computer only, I always start with blank interface when I start running Galapagos/Octopus (below is “room orientation optimization” shared at…;) It may take quite some time to see some results. That’s fine for the above simulation. But my real challenge is, when I am going to optimize room dimension with respect to ASE and sDA calculations, either Galapagos or Octopus goes wildly and never come up with a solution. I believe the time-consuming calculation, especially sDA with higher -ab numbers, trigger the lag a lot? Any suggestion/trick to improve it?

Most importantly, based on your experience, for example to optimize window/exterior shades sizes and achieve ASE<10% and sDA>55% (LEED v.4 requirements), Octopus (due to its capacity of multiple objectives) is the only choice? Any other approaches within grasshopper?

The alternative approach in my mind as a GH beginner is as follows. But I am not sure whether it is doable. Again, your comments will be greatly appreciated.

Since all my room/window/shades dimension are controlled by number sliders, I am thinking whether a component from GH will trigger these number sliders (not necessary to be all of them but one by one) automatically. If this is possible, I can do “data recorder” to record outputs from ASE and sDA. Eventually I will have a database of the input parameters and sDA/ASE results.

Does it make sense? Is there a component which can trigger number slider output at certain step?

Many thank!


Have you tried the KB_Fly?


What Abraham said and then use DesignExplorer to visualize the results.

You guys are awesome, now I see an alternative approach!