Getting native Radiance Commands from Ladybug Tools workflows (Luigi, Queenbee)

Hello Ladybug Tools community,

For a long time I have been working with Ladybug Tools now, but I’m new in this forum.
In a recent Radiance research project, I need to keep track on a low level on what is being excecuted in Radiance. Whereas in the Legacy versions everything was written directy to the Radiance path, now the execution is handled through queenbee/Luigi routines. I was working intensly in the LBT libraries, but I could not figure out how exactly Luigi gets the Radiance commands to be executed. I found the debug commands.bat files, but also here, no native Radiance commands are given. Is there a trick to make these Radiance exectutions visible (which I assume have to occur in some place). Something like: rtrace -h -ov -ab 1 -ap 50 -ap 50 scene.oct < samples.inp > illum.out (example from radsite)

I’m asking as we are trying to track and double check the final Radiance commands.

Thank you already for your help in advance!