Ghpython component gives different output

Inn the ghpython script, the input I give is of rooms, but the output I get is faces… could anyone kindly please help me sort this out.

the python script I have used is

Hi @VidyaRamesh ,

In Honeybee, Room is an iterable object, so if you do:

for i in room:
   # type(i) == Face

i will be a Face in that case.

If you wish to iterate over the list of Rooms that you input to the GHPython component, you need to change the GHPython node x to a list type input. So right click on x and select list from the dropdown menu.

all the best,


Thank You so much @edpmay ! Yeah I wanted to convert it to rooms, and once I changed it to list access, the error is gone and the script is working. Thankyou so much again!