I am working with the latest ladybug release for a project and can’t seem to find the glare component. I can see it in the HB-Legacy suite. Am I missing a component/ looking in the wrong place?
Appreciate the help. Thanks.
As you see at the end of the release notes the vast majority of radiance recipes are targeted for the next release, which should be in a matter of months. DGP glare analysis is among the recipes/post-processing steps that we will be adding. So you’ll just have to use Legacy honeybee for this purpose for a little bit longer.
Thanks Chris. I look forward to it.
Hi Chris, Thanks for all the work. I need to do the same analysis, but I a have a Mac, I can’t use the HB legacy, right?
Right. You cannot use HB-legacy on a mac for a case like this. Your only options for this on a Mac at the moment are to wait for the next release of LBT honeybee or run it all from command line.
Ok. Thank so much for the reply. I will waiting for the new release, at the same time I will use a windows partition only for the analysis not supported yet on macOS.