I’ve installed the latest OpenFOAM v1706 for windows.
I want to copy all the default OpenFOAM tutorial files into a local folder: C:\users\USER_Name\OpenFOAM_tut.
However, I got the following errors, and the 3 files mentioned in the error were not copied:
[ofuser@default workingDir]$ cd ./OpenFOAM_tut
[ofuser@default OpenFOAM_tut]$ dir
[ofuser@default OpenFOAM_tut]$ cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/ ./
cp: cannot create regular file './tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0.orig/b': File exists
cp: cannot create regular file './tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/jouleHeatingSolid/0.orig/solid/jouleHeatingSource:V': Protocol error
cp: cannot create regular file './tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/jouleHeatingSolid/0.orig/solid/jouleHeatingSource:sigma': Protocol error
[ofuser@default OpenFOAM_tut]$
May I ask the source of the problem here?
It’s most likely a permission issue. Try sudo
your command!
Related drawing!: 

Thanks, Mostapha.
However, it seems that the sudo command is not installed in this virtual command line environment to run OpenFOAM:

I ran the “OpenFOAM_Start” command as administrator in the first place …
Appreciate your suggestion.
It is not in the path. You can try /usr/bin/su command
. The password is ofuser2017
Also now that I read your command again you need to copy the files to a folder that you have writing access to. Change the target from ./
to ./workingDir/butterfly
or a similar folder. For copying the files that should be enough.
Thank, Mostapha.
I tried the /usr/bin/su command, and after I input the password, the command window seems to remain in a waiting status forever:
So, I used Ctrl-C to quit this command, and it seems that I’m in a kind of “root” status, so I tried to copy the tutorial files again:
Now a bunch of irrelevant files were copied to the OF_tut folder I created previously in the workingDir, i.e. my user directory:

This OF_tut folder quickly became very huge, up to 3GB in size, and I have to close the terminal window, as I don’t know what is going on …
I don’t want to “mess up” my system unless I understand these linux commands. So, I restarted OpenFOAM and tried to copy the files as you suggested by using ./workingDir/OF_tut and ./workingDir/butterfly as the target folders. However, I still got those errors:
I may pause for now on this matter, so long as OpenFOAM+Butterfly is running correctly. But I do hope to find out the source of this issue later.
…BTW, I restarted OpenFOAM, and tried the /usr/bin/su command and input the password.
After quite a while, I got the following error messages, although the prompter changed from [ofuser@default ~]$ to [root@default ofuser]# …