Hi there everyone!
So the task at hand is, I have several Rhino files which are actually the 3d models of a built area. I would like to convert that file into an INX file and eventually
recreate the same structures inside Envi-met model. However, at the start of the procedure, when I use the “DFEnvimetlocation” component I get the error:
"1. Solution exception:Input string was not in a correct format."
What could I be doing wrong?
Sorry for the inconvenience. I am new at both Rhino/Grasshopper and Envi_met. !
Thanks for any help!!
Hi @dimitris90 Please post some screeshot about your workflow.
You are mixing Legacy with LBT components. They don’t work together.
You probably need to use the constructLocation
from Legacy.
Thanks for the reply! This is what i am doing though…So according to the tutorial in the Envimet site (Support - ENVI-met) this is how they do it. They use the LB “constructLocation” component and then connect it to the “envimetLocation” which is a DF Legacy component. But this for me does not work (“EnvimetLocation” component turns red and gives me the error). Not sure what to do… 
You need to use just Legacy components. Like so:
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Sorry but what do you mean by Legacy components? The only package I have is DF-Legacy which does not seem to have such a component you are showing. Is it a different plugin? Sorry again for the questions.
Legacy is the previous version of Ladybug before the actual LBT.
I don’t know how you get to have only DF-Legacy without the other modules. The component i showed can be found in the LB-Legacy tab (which you don’t have).
You can find the legacy in food4rhino. Look for the Ladybug 0.0.69 and Honeybee 0.0.66 [Legacy Plugins] item.
Oh I see. I had no clue. Thanks a lot @AbrahamYezioro ! I will try that and let you know!
It did work finally! Thanks for the guidance @AbrahamYezioro !!