Grasshopper Ladybug Displays wrong in 3D window

Hey dear Rhnio Coummunity,

I’m currently trying to create a sun study for a building. I’m using Ladybug in Grasshopper for Rhino 8(8.12) and everything is working, except that the surface of the sun hours is displayed in a totally strange way and I can’t explain why. Attached are photos of the display error and my Ladybug file. I would be very grateful for any suggestions.

LG Leon

Hi @corqse1,

try turning off the display of your geometry. What happens is that your analysis output is overlapped with the preview of the brep.

As you can see, same result while “Massing” Layer ist hidden.
Any other Idea ?

Ok I got it, you have to turn off preview in grasshopper and also turn off the geometry, that worked for me.