πŸŽƒ Hacktoberfest 2019

Hi all!

With October looming in quicker than most of us care to admit we remembered that the time for :jack_o_lantern: :nerd_face: Hacktoberfest :nerd_face: :jack_o_lantern: is nigh! This year we would like to encourage as many ladybug tools enthusiasts who wish to contribute back to the project to do so.

We are not 100% sure what themes to focus on this year but we have a few ideas:

  1. Writing Tests: writing tests is paramount to keep the code base reliable and resilient to future change. It is also a fantastic way to get to know the ins and outs of the ladybug tools code base and increase your knowledge of python and pytest.
  2. Writing Documentation/Tutorials: ladybug tools core python libraries have pretty thorough API documentation (ladybug for example) but no written tutorials on how to use them to script python workflows. It would be great to have some folk give this a try and share their learnings with others by writing some tutorials/human friendly documentation.

This is an initial set of ideas so please spam the comments with ideas of things you’d like to help with or what can be done to help you get started on your python coding journey with ladybug-tools!


This is nice iniciative @AntoineDao,
Personally i will be more interested in the tutorials for scripting with LB.
I have written few codes for LB+HB but have not really interfaced with the LB commands. I’ll be glad and happy improving this part of the writing.


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Hi @AntoineDao,

Great idea! A good way to show the power and flexibility of ladybug API could be by showing how to apply it to build real world applications: Grasshopper custom components, web applications, IoT and so on.
I have been following this approach, e.g. a basic IoT example: DHT11_basic_example


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That IOT example is super neat! So it seems there’s appetite to write tutorials based on existing examples. Do you reckon you/someone else would be interested in writing something up a bit like the scrapy docs?

Writing tutorials can be interesting and specially we can show-case some of the workflows that are now possible with the new libraries.

At the same time there is much to be done to improve code and components documentation. I personally think the focus should be for the newer (aka [+]) libraries.

Also :butterfly: can enjoy from some love during the Hack + October + Fest. I have not being able to maintain the project for a very long time. :confused:


For the ones who don’t know what this Hacktoberfest is about it is as simple as:

  1. Signing up on the page when the event starts which is the start of October.

  2. Making 5 pull requests to any open source project hosted on GitHub by the end of the October!

Once you complete the challenge they will send you a Hacktoberfest T-Shirt and sticker to thank you for your contribution to open-source. :slight_smile: If there is enough contribution maybe :ladybug: Tools should also match this and send you a sticker! What do you think @chris?

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I just wanted to add something that would be a huge help that I know we won’t be able to get to for several months is that virtually all of the new [+] repos need to have these changes made to the online docs. It would be a huge help if someone took that on and it’s also a great way to learn about the capabilities of the new libraries.

Also, if anyone wants to learn more about thermal comfort models, tackling this issue would be a good help.

As @mostapha notes, butterfly could use love and, if anyone is looking for a graphic design project, all butterfly components could use icons.

In my opinion, anyone addressing issues like that definitely deserves a sticker!

Hi @AntoineDao ,

Maybe, an easy way could be a project/doc that use markdown files in this way everyone can create and add easily pages.
I was thinking somenthing with Python + mkdocs. What do you think about?


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We currently have basic API documentation set up using Sphinx. I personally prefer Mkdocs but am aware that converting over could mean a little bit of work, however .rst files (format used by sphinx) are the literal worst… I reckon we could set up a few issues for folk to flower up the docs a little bit, however, if it comes to full blown examples I would personally be keen to keep them in a format where they can be tested by users/CI (jupyter notebook) as the one thing worse than no documentation is faulty documentation :smile:

Does this make sense?