Hi users,
I have been trying to set up a script to calculation window heat gain rate of a zone under a controlled indoor condition during cooling season. In this script the HB IdealAir component was used, but for some reason EP gave me following error message even though I set everything correctly.
Below is the set up of this script, feel free to take a look.
EP_test.gh (95.8 KB)
Am I miss something? Any insights will be appreciated 
In addition, when I plot the zone operative temperature against Ideal supply air temperature, it seems like heating is still present eventhougt I have turn the heating off during the simulation period.
The severe error is about cooling design not for heating design. Please check it.
Totally agreed, but if you look at the file that I have uploaded, the cooling is turned on with a cooling set point of 23 degree with unlimited cooling power during the entire simulation period.
And in the figure below, even though the heating is turned off there are some odd high peak values that appear, which represent the ideal air system that delivers hot air to the zone.
Unfortunately, I still couldn’t figured out how could supply air temperature greater than zone temperature.
ALL geometry in you grasshopper file is missing.
Apologize for that, can you try with this file instead?
EP.gh (94.1 KB)
Thanks in advance,
zone temperature is 8 ℃, supply air is 14℃.
And some suggestions for you.
1\ run peroid should be annual
2\schedule setting should be annual.
Appreciate for the trouble shooting, the warning got resolved after I switch the run period to annual.