Haze factor vs diffuse transmission trans material

Hi there,

I am seeing in most of the diffuse glass manufacturers that they define the light diffusion property of the glass as haze factor, and they provide glazing with haze factor between 10 to 75% maximum. I was wondering, is it possible to use this factor for the daylight simulations? is this factor equivalent to the diffuse transmission? do you know any formula or way to convert these values?
I would like to model a realistic (market available) diffuse glazing for a project and I am a bit confuse in this point.
Have you tried something similar before? how did you solve it?

Thanks in advance

Hi @Julioamodia89,

Is the haze factor the only property in the specification by the manufacturer?

Hi Mikkel,

There are some other specs.


Thanks, @Julioamodia89. I will not promise that this is right, but here is something based on a search on the Radiance forum.

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Thanks @mikkel I suppose you use 0.3 because of the pattern matt-matt? do you think this could work similarly for the pattern Prismatic matt 0.7?


I didn’t really look at the pattern but just the haze property. I am not sure if it will work the same for all types in your image. If you want advice from more experienced Radiance users you can always post your question in the Radiance forum. If what they recommend cannot be created by “HB Translucent Modifier” I can help with a custom implementation by using the honeybee-radiance library.

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Thank you @mikkel I will do as you suggested.