Hb Add subsurface

In my document, I am unable to connect the rooms. The HB Add Subsurface tool does not fully recognize my geometry. The error message displayed is: ‘‘Door cannot be added to Airboudary face.’’ mm.gh (56.9 KB)

Hello @Merve - it seems like it is just what it says in the message: you may not add a door or window to any ‘air-boundary’ surface. That is not allowed in Honeybee/EnergyPlus.

Also, just a note to keep in mind: when you share GH files on the forum, be sure to remember that the Geometry does not come along automatically, unless you explicitly ‘internalize’ the geometry in the Brep nodes (right click… internalize). So it is not possible to open your GH file and see, since there is no geometry with it.

all the best!

Thank you @edpmay ! I have internalized the geometry.
ss.gh (149.5 KB)
I want to conduct an energy simulation for this building, which has curved wall geometries. However, when I add the wall geometry as a brep, the program throws an error. How can I resolve this issue?

@Merve, you will want to planarize the curved surfaces and that should make things work better.
also it looks like youve missed internalizing some of the geometry:


mm.gh (155.0 KB)
mmm.3dm (632.3 KB)
The building has straight interior walls and curved exterior walls, with a gap in between. I was unable to define this geometry in Honeybee. I want to perform an energy simulation for this building. How can I set it up correctly?

@Merve I cant help unless you internalize all the geometry or save the 3dm as rhino 7.

@TrevorFedyna I internalize all the geometry. mmm.3dm (632.2 KB)
mm.gh (150.0 KB)
