HB Annual Loads not running - 1. Solution exception:'DataTree[object]' object has no attribute '__float__'

Hi everyone, I was following a tutorial online on how to create a basic energy model and run an annual loads sim and I can’t get it to work. I have gone back and looked at every step and I can’t figure out what went wrong. Everything works fine but the HB Annual Loads component. I am getting the following error: 1. Solution exception:‘DataTree[object]’ object has no attribute ‘float

before I was also getting: 1. Solution exception: ** Fatal ** Errors occurred on processing input file. Pre

  1. I read online that it might be an incompatible version of Open studio but I checked and I am using the 1.8.0 version on Rhino 8
  2. I have tried using HB Annual Load in other models and it works just fine

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

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Hi @EdwardFlac,

First of all: The intersect sollids now uses room instead of breps as input.

Secondly I found there might be something wrong with your annual loads component.

EFA HB Annual load not working.gh (108.7 KB)