"HB Apply Daylight Control" doesn't seem to work well with "HB Window Construction Dynamic"

Hi, everyone. I’ve met a problem when I was testing the thermal and optical properties of electrochormic glass while using Honeybee-Energy. To sum up, the problem is “HB Aplly Daylight Control” seems doesn’t work well with “HB Window Construction Dynamic”. Here is the detail process of my simulation below and hopefully someone could help me with it. That would be very much appreciated.

First, I use “HB Window Construction Dynamic" to creat a dual state glass. The schedule is made by “HB Fixed Interval Schedule”.

And then, I modified the room construction by “HB Construction Set”. When I check the construction by “Deconstruction Construction”, it seems work well.

Then, I use the “HB Apply Daylight Control” component to simulate the scenario when the illuminence of set point above 300 Lux, the interior light switch off.

At last, I use “Energy Plus” to simulate the annual energy consumption. The EUI, Heating and cooling use seems work well because when I change the control strategy of glass, the energy use changed. But the energy use of lighting does not change which is equal to the always bleached state of glass no matter how I switch the state of the glass.

But when I use normal single state glass and change the SHGC and visible light transmittance, the lighting use changed. So, I think the problem comes from the “HB Apply Daylight Control” component. This component doesn’t seem to work well with “HB Window Consturction Dynamic”.

So, my qusetion is am I wrong with the usage of “HB Apply Daylight Control” component or it is just how this component works? If I am right, is there any solution to let the lighting use works well with the dual state glass?

Again, thanks a lot.