HB+ Assertion Error in Sky Components

@mostapha et al,

I have used this recipe before but I am now running into an assertion error with both the HB+ Sky Vector component and the Cumulative Sky Component. I removed the data as the attached file with internalized data is large.

I have updated HB and all components, but this did not alleviate the issue. Any help would be appreciated…thanks everyone!

Daylight_HB .gh (583.2 KB)

Hi I did not run the file but I have no errors in the sky components when I use the version from food4rhino. Can you please try?

@devang thanks for the quick response, that is interesting. I will manually update and replace the components from food4rhino. I have been previously updating via the Github pulls. Thanks for the input!

Hi Emmanuel,

Did you manage to find a solution here? I’m encountering a similar Assertion error and just wondered what worked for you to get around it

Cheers, Pete

Yes, I was able to fix the error by redownloading the components and libraries fresh from food4rhino rather than doing an update pull from the GitHub components. I don’t know what the underlying issue was but this did fix it for me.