HB material creation and assignment problem

Hi guys,

I got a question as shown in the pic attahced.

Basically I wanted to assign a glass material to interior wall like in an office corridor. But there was an error saying: “1. Solution exception:Expected OpaqueConstruction for interior_wall. Got <class ‘honeybee_energy.construction.window.WindowConstruction’>”

I understand the quote means the interior wall should be all opaque? So is there any way we could bulding a transparent wall - glass wall in interior wall?

Thank you so much!


Hi @TrilithStone, you cant make transparent walls, a work around is make an aperture that is juuuust a hair smaller than the desired interior or exterior wall and do it that way.


Energyplus differentiates between opaque walls and transparent fenestration. Both in terms of materials and geometry, where fenestration must be contained in a basic opaque wall (this is because EP only wants the size of the glass and not the entire window with the frame).
So you must first create a fenestration then assign it to its base surface and finally use it as a glass material only by connecting it to interior_window.
I hope I have explained myself. Sorry for the bad English…
See you soon

Hi Trevor,

thanks got it!


Hi Massimiliano,

Yep Thank you!
