HB Validation Report Issue/Request


The HoneyBee Validation report in grasshopper is great but doesn’t lend itself to automation parametrization.

Could it give an index of the room in question?
And if it is intersecting could it give a list or tree of the indexes that do intersect?

This list in particular is pretty simple to fix in grasshopper.

Much appreciated as always.

Hi @cflynn29 I hope I’m not misconstruing what you are after but you can get the index of the rooms in the error message with a couple lines of code:

just don’t forget to set the typehint of the _out input to list otherwise it won’t work.

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Thanks for the answer, @TrevorFedyna . That is also what I would recommend if this is just a one-off problem and you have a little time to go the Python/scripting route.

If this is a persistent problem that you have, @cflynn29 , there is no Grasshopper or Python workflow that will be as fast or convenient as the Pollination Rhino Plugin’s command for PO_ValidateModel. It runs the same validation routine as the Grasshopper component there but it gives you an interface that helps you zoom into the problematic object in the model so that you can fix it:

Granted, the Pollination Rhino plugin is paid but, if this validation problem comes up a lot in your work, you may find that the price is worth your time. If not, you know that we would never put any capability behind a pay wall and there’s always a way to do it with a little Python (or even some Grasshopper scripting if you know the right components to use). But selling convivence and ease of use is where we make the money to keep the lights on. So the decision is yours for whether you want to go the route of open source community member or customer or both.