Help! Ladybug Sunlight Hours Analysis error

Hello, I am a new Grasshopper/Ladybug user. I am trying to do a Sunlight hours analysis from buildings/trees on a square, and not getting any proper results. Has anyone ever encountered this issue before and can help me?

i really appreciate it!

This looks like an error with an analysis grid. It would be easiest if You would upload the file.
You can also check if the surface is actually a mesh and then honeybee would use its structure for analysis points

I checked the surface, it is a mesh, so that shouldn’t be the problem. The website doesn’t allow me to upload my grasshopper file since I am a new user, but here is a screenshot.

How complicated mesh? If it consists of two triangles then this is what you get. It uses those triangles to create analysis grid

Yes you are right, the diagonals are from the mesh, I replaced it with a brep and I don’t see the diagonal anymore, but I still need to see the shadow of the buildings/trees on the brep, which doesn’t work…

Then you should check units, maybe the model is to small for a grid of 10m to show up.
Also you can try to flip the brep surface, somtimes the grid is created on the bottom of the surface and then you get 0 hours.

You probably need to flip the normal of the brep.