Help with formulating an OSM file in IronBug environment - WaterHeater:Mixed Challenge

Hi IronBug users,

I have an OSM from the OpenStudio, that I have difficulties in defining that in the IronBug atmosphere. The OSM file is totally working and I can see the results. I am interested to have this example formulated in the IronBug system.

The main challenge I have in defining the four nodes for the WaterHeate:Mixed.

Please find the OSM file attached below:

heatrecovery_chiller.osm (198.7 KB)

Thank you very much for your time, support, and assistance.



I checked the challenge several times and compared it with other components with the same strategy of having AtSupply and AtDemand systems like HeatExchangerFluidFluid. I found the component of the HeatExchangerFluidFluid on the IronBug GitHub page as below:

I am not sure, but I guess there should be more or less the same feature for WaterHeater:Mixed:

Since with the current version of the WaterHeater:Mixed, the attached OSM of the HeatRecovery example is very challenging to formulate in the IronBug environment (to explicitly define 2 nodes for the supply and 2 nodes for the demand like HeatExchangerFluidFluid).

heatrecovery_chiller.osm (198.7 KB)

I would greatly appreciate it if you could kindly help me to address this challenge and define the WaterHeater:Mixed with user-defined nodes (2 for the source and 2 for the use).

Thank you very much for your time, assistance, and great team and I look forward to hearing from you.


Following the challenge, I tested one example, using OpenStudio. It is possible in OpenStudio to create some models like below:

In OpenStudio, you need to use the My Model section, find the component WaterHeater:Mixed, and then add that to the supply node in the Secondary Plant Loop. It will automatically trigger four nodes in OpenStudio. Two nodes are for the supply side, and two nodes are for the use side.

But if in IronBug, when I use the WaterHeater:Mixed for the demand loop branch in the Primary Loop and bot using that WaterHeater:Mixed for the supply branch of the Secondary Loop, the program gets the error as below:

Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 23.2.0-7636e6b3e9, YMD=2024.12.14 22:33,
** Severe ** [Branch][Water_Storage_Tank Demand Branch 1][components][0] - Missing required property ‘component_name’.
** Severe ** [Branch][Water_Storage_Tank Demand Branch 1][components][0] - Missing required property ‘component_object_type’.
** Fatal ** Errors occurred on processing input file. Preceding condition(s) cause termination.
…Summary of Errors that led to program termination:
… Reference severe error count=2
… Last severe error=[Branch][Water_Storage_Tank Demand Branch 1][components][0] - Missing required property ‘component_object_type’.
************* Warning: Node connection errors not checked - most system input has not been read (see previous warning).
************* Fatal error – final processing. Program exited before simulations began. See previous error messages.
************* EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Terminated–Fatal Error Detected. 0 Warning; 2 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 0.13sec

And if I use number 2 in a panel to see whether the IronBug created the OSM, I see that the IronBug makes 2 WaterHeater:Mixed with 2 different names: Water Heater and Water Heater 1. Both of them have just 2 nodes (no supply nodes are defined for the individual components).

I would appreciate it if you could kindly let me know whether I missed something. I really need your help in addressing this integrated four node Water Heater Storage.

Thank you so much for your time, support, and assistance.


Hi @behnammmohseni, here is a sample for WaterHeaterMixed that is connecting two loops. (25.6 KB)

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Fantastic @MingboPeng Now it’s working. Thank you so much, You’re very good :slightly_smiling_face: